Membership and Community

Member Benefits

    Travel with WHDA Team
    Opportunity to travel when called to explore damage sites or gather data from sites with potential of damage. All necessary expenses paid 

    Career investment
    Helps you grow professionally and provides hands-on collaborative research experience

    Opportunity for mentorship
    Allows you to work side by side with Masters and Ph.D students who can instruct you and encourage you in your goal of becoming an engineering professional

    Education and technical knowledge
    Experience in the field of forensic engineering


We are seeking for students interested in being trained in multidisciplinary practices dealing with wind related events, to be our eyes and ears for wind hazards around the world, and on-call for deployment to damage sites in the event of a hurricane or tornado. A few of your responsibilities would be to conduct damage surveys, measure wind speeds, and make other observations meant to help identify failure mechanism and produce statistical analysis of the data. You would also assist a few of Dr. Prevatt’s graduate research students in various extreme wind related projects.

Education and Training

We will prepare students to be helpful before and after a hurricane or tornado