External Links


Rating tornado damage using Fujita scale



Extreme Event

Uploading images of extreme events




Real estate info for practically every home in the U.S.



Follow the Weather

Local Storm Report App
Quickly viewing the National Weather Service (NWS) issued Local Storm Reports (LSR)


NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards (NWR)

Nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information



Severe Weather Preparedness

The Weather Channel

Preparing for hurricane and tornado season



NOAA Weather-Ready Nation

Know your risk, take action to be prepared for severe weather, and be an example by sharing steps to empower others to be better informed and ready to respond to such events

Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Lightning- A Preparedness Guide

Know what to do during and before an emergency arises


Tornado preparedness

Be prepared for the risk of tornadoes by downloading the official Tornado App from the American Red Cross